A long time ago in a very far away
Behind the Mountains of Greenmoonzilla
and even behind the majestic openMANGASea.
Where Shiba Inus and people
lived happily hand in hand together.
there was a king.
! Elon !
the unpredictable chain of
of events
Started when Elon was at a pool party on a cool summer day where he was accidentally
rugpulled by an Shiba Inu
He felt into the pool.....
So when he fell headfirst into the pool while drunk and rugpulled
he was also attacked by a squid who was just gaming on another gender-neutral squid.
It was from this chain of circumstances that it happened
and elon mutated into a
So there was only one way to escape from this cycle
he has to produce as much energy as possible in form of coins

Building up
Deep under the old Airfield Tegel
Listing Coin
Start to produce as much energy as possible
Sell as much as
Elon needs
all the Energy to run his
Once all is sold
he will try to save the rest of this wolrd
ElonSquidInu (at) gmail.com
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